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Implementation of the ultra-low frequency sine vibration test

The minimum frequency for a sinusoidal vibration test is 0.1 Hz according to the test specification for electrical and electronic products. However, the minimum operating frequency in tests such as earthquake simulation, wave simulation and road transport simulation may be lower than 0.1Hz, so the implementation of ultra-low frequency sinusoidal vibration testing is a special problem in sinusoidal vibration testing and requires special discussion.

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Precautions for the use of electrodynamic shaker

The electrodynamic shaker is an extremely widely used vibration test equipment in vibration testing, and its force ranges from hundreds of Newtons to thousands of Newtons. In practical applications, due to improper use, it often brings unexpected damage to the vibration table

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Vibration Test Fixture Design

Usually, when a fixture is designed with only static loads in mind, a very severe major resonance occurs within the frequency range of the test. The clamping and bolting arrangement, while adequate statically, turns out to be very soft or compliant when analyzed dynamically. In other words, the mass of the test item and fixture is resonant on the soft springs consisting of the clamping arrangement to the shaker table. There are at least two major objections to this resonant condition.

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